Friday, March 7, 2014

To blog or not to blog?

I've had so many people tell me I should write a book filled with the crazy things my kids say and do,  but I really have little desire to do it because,  honestly,  it seems like too much 'sit still'  kinda work.  I don't like sitting still unless I'm Facebooking,  Pinteresting,  (I *am* quite 'pinteresting'  if I do say so myself!) or shopping online,  so the liklihood of me ever finishing a book,  whether for keepsake or publishing purposes is... Well...  I don't there is any likelihood.  I know it won't happen.  But blogging might not be so bad. 

I have a lot of uncertainty about blogging:

Who will actually read this? 

Will my Facebook followers actually come over here to follow this?

Will I end up with strangers following me?
Am I ok with strangers knowing what my kids do?

Should I put what would be my two-tone FB statutes over here as blog entries?

What should I still post on FB?

Should I post more than just funny stuff my kids do?

See what happens when I try plan something? Starting to figure out why my kids are all nuts? Ready to take this adventure with us? 

Well...  I think I am. After asking myself the questions above (And so many more),  I have decided that this blog will be a blend of my journey to finding a more peaceful and smoothly functioning home,  a simplified life, and,  of course,  fun tales of adventures of the snarky six -  my family. 

Coming  in the next post: A brief intro to who makes up the snarky six. 

Thanks for reading! If you have time,  leave me a comment about how you found me,  if you will follow,  etc.  Unless I have comments disabled.  Then don't. 

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